Typing game built using vanilla JavaScript.


February 2023 - May 2023


Game Designer, Game Developer

How I made it

  1. Early Wireframes
  2. Hi-fi Mockups
  3. Feedback & Iterations
  4. Coding

Early Wireframes

Since I've alawys enjoyed typing games, I wanted to create my own. I decided I want to create a color typing game that required the user to type a given color basaed on what appeared on the screen. Here's what I came up with.

designing colorz


I translated my desings into HTML, CSS and JavaScript. For this project, I decided I was only going to use vanilla JavaScript in order to gain a broader understanding of the fundamentals.

coding image of colorz

User Testing

Feedback & suggestions from user testing

  1. Increase in difficulty as score increases
  2. Include a game over screen
  3. Adding a collision detection system within the viewport
  4. Play again button
  5. Add a homepage so the game doesn't doesn't start immediately


Upon trying to implement these new features, I encountered tons of new bugs and issues. One of them was the "game over" screen appearing multiple times after the game had ended. I fixed this issue by setting up a boolean flag so that the function only happens once.
